Monday, January 11, 2010

Hearing from God Each Morning

"Hearing from God Each Morning," Joyce’s newest devotional, is just what you’ll need to kick-start or strengthen that connection with God. Read an excerpt below:


Let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts. (COLOSSIANS 3:15)

I try to run my life by fi nding peace. If I am shopping, I don’t buy something if I don’t have peace about it. If I am involved in a conversation and find myself losing my peace, I become quiet. When I make decisions, I look at the options before me and see where the peace is. When I am trying to discern between the voice of God and the other voices that compete for my attention, I listen to see which voice or message brings the peace of God into my heart.

I have learned that maintaining peace is important in order to maintain power in our lives. When we don’t have peace, we may very well be making a serious mistake. I would go so far as to say we should never act without peace. We might say that peace is an “internal confi rmation” that God approves of the decision we have made.

God leads us by peace. The verse for today says peace is like an umpire that decides what is “safe” or what is “out.” If there’s no peace, it’s “out”! We are to let the inner harmony in our minds and souls rule and act as an umpire continually in our hearts, deciding and settling with fi nality all the questions that arise in our minds and the decisions we must make in our lives.

We must learn to obey our own sense of right and wrong and resist doing things our inner conscience is uncomfortable doing. God gives or takes peace from our conscience to let us know whether or not we are on track.

GOD’S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Let peace be your umpire today. Know that your decision is “in” when you have peace, and “out” when you don’t.

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