Earlier that day just before leaving for work he poured a bowl of cereal and went to the refrigerator for milk there was none. He decides well it’s not that serious I’ll just add water. He takes a couple of bites and sits the bowl on the counter. After running back upstairs to grab his tie and briefcase he charges out the door. He’s halfway out of the driveway before he realizes that he’d forgotten his cereal. He pulls back into the garage, runs inside and grabs hs cup only to discover that a family of ants had beaten him to it. “Argh!!!” he exclaims. He slams the ingredients from the cup into the garbage disposal and flips the switch… it doesn’t work. “Oh my god!!!”
He immediately calls his wife to ask whether she knew of this mechanical failure and she replies, “Yes.”
“Well, why didn’t you tell me about it?!” he yells.
“I didn’t think it was that serious, I was going to tell you today.”
“You didn’t think it was that serious?! See, that’s what I’m talking about, you never take anything ‘that’ seriously. You should have told me last night, I would’ve had someone out here to fix it!
“Look, what is your problem? You never call me at work and when you do, this is what you call about? I’m at work, I don’t have time for this. Bye! -click
This of course sends him into a complete tizzy. He jumps back into the car and heads off to work fuming. Traffic is horrible and the cereal episode only made arriving to work on time even more difficult. Once there he receives a phone call explaining that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer and they needed him to come down to see her. Well, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. All of this was too much to handle and his mind/body broke down. After receiving various sedatives and being monitored for a few hours he was released and told to take it easy for a few days and he’s now doing a lot better. (true story.)
Now, my purpose for calling this one how to commit suicide is to bring attention to how we get to that point in the first place. The trojan horse called stress is to blame in this case but the funny thing is, it only has as much power as YOU give to it. Whether voluntary or involuntarily, your body will find a way to escape too much stress. People that go through with the thought of committing this self-destruction typically do so because the ‘stress’ of life becomes too much to bear. It’s actually more common than you think for people to have such thoughts but luckily not everyone continues down that path.
If you think about it, that’s what we spend the majority of our time doing…trying to avoid stress. That’s what our heavens or after life promises are…no dying – stress, no sickness – stress, no disagreements – stress, and so on. It even says on the tomb stones… rest in peace.
Well I’d like to ‘suggest’ to you that you don’t have to wait until death to experience peace. If you’d like to have less stress in your life…wait for it….let it go! Yeah, it’s that simple. Stress is an unwelcome visitor in your home (body)…kick him out! (ha) Seriously though, you only have what you’re holding on to…aren’t there more pleasant things in life that to hold than self-destruction?
Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Post shared by Dehypnotize
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