Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our Men Are Under Attack

During my Bible study we were discussing the events that will occur during the last days and it's evident that we're living in the last days now but what’s interesting is the devil knows his reign is coming to an end so he's trying to get as many people as he can to turn against God. During our discussion I can’t remember what lead me to the thought something made me think about all of the marriages that are falling apart. I know that the family unit within marriage is something ordained by God and because of that holy covenant it is one of the sure things the devil tries to tear apart and with that he always goes for the weakest link. Usually it seems to be the children but here lately it seems that he is targeting the men. That is so sad when from the beginning God positioned the man to be the head and to lead his family TO Christ but at this point things are so backwards that it's the women trying to lead the families to Christ and hold the families together because that devil is really on the men's backs. 

I really feel for them because the devil is in full on attack of them and they don't see it.  For those that have an intimate relationship with Jesus there is a chance they will wake up and realize what's going on and put on that full armor of Christ and not let the devil win but for those who do not know or who don't open their eyes my goodness I feel so bad for them.

We all need prayer but right now I really feel the men of this world need a special prayer because we are all in a spiritual war but the odds seem to really be stacked against these men. W
e always seem to focus on bettering women and children but it seems we do more complaining about the men. So I’m asking that you please stop and say a prayer for them.  I have included a prayer below that you can say and or use as a guide.  I thank you and the men of the world thank you.

Father in Heaven,
By the power that you have granted me I take authority over the enemy’s attacks on the men of this world. Please enable all men to put off the old nature in their lives, and be renewed in the spirit of their minds, so that they may put on a transformed nature of holiness.
Grant all men to perceive the image of strength and love that You have bestowed on them, Father. And grant them the will to use these gifts for the benefit of their wives and families and for the greater good of the whole Body of Christ.
I ask this in Jesus Name,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your words. Do you think as I do that we should love all men?